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Piñatex bag


Borsa prodotta artigianalmente interamente in svizzera.

Realizzata in Pinatex, materiale sostenibile ed ecologico.

Questa borsa è munita di manico e tracolla in catena.

Fodera interna rossa con motivo floreale.



Height: 23 cm

Width: 18 cm

Depth: 5 cm



    Our Vegan Collection is made by an innovative, natural and sustainable non-woven textile made from pineapple leaf fibers as a green and animal friendly alternative to leather and petroleum based materials - Piñatex™. It is a natural MATERIAL and as such you have to expect to see some variations in its surface, structure and colour with a form of "patina" showing up over time. This patina can be in form of some brighter pineapple fibres showing in areas more affected by wear-and-tear. Piñatex products need regular care to keep them in top conditions. Please read the CARE INSTRUCTIONS from the manufacturer of Piñatex™ Original how to treat and care your Vegan Pineapple-leather Bag.



CHF 130,00Prezzo
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